Stallion Property - Toodoggone District - Central British Columbia

Contiguous to Benchmark Metals “Lawyers” Au/Ag

The “Stallion Project,” in British Columbia’s famous Golden Horseshoe region, is contiguous to Benchmark Metals Inc.’s Lawyers gold and silver project. The Lawyers project has reported core length intervals from drill intercepts of 2,360 grams per tonne (g/t) silver and 11.30 g/t gold over one metre, 1.16 g/t gold and 22.24 g/t silver or 1.44 g/t gold equivalent across 102.00 metres , as well as 30.63 metres of 2.05 g/t gold and 107.07 g/t silver or 3.39 g/t gold equivalent (see news releases, 2020-02-11, 2020-01-31 and 2020-10-06). Goldcore’s Stallion property is contiguous with Benchmarks southernmost claim border (see map below).

Stallion Property

Green Battery’s Stallion property is accessible by an existing short extension of the all-season Omineca Road to Resources which services the Kemess mine and supports parallel hydro-electric power. Stallion covers over 30 km² and is on regional trend with several past producing mines such as Baker, Shasta and the world class Kemess Mine. Management cautions that mineralization hosted on adjacent and/or nearby properties is not necessarily indicative of mineralization hosted on the Company’s properties.

The Stallion property is located in the northeastern region of the prolifically metal-endowed Stikinia geological terrane. Magmatic events in Stikinia during the Late Triassic and Early Jurassic were the driving source for the development of mineralizing porphyry and epithermal systems. The Stallion project is in a proven and profitable mining jurisdiction called the Golden Horseshoe, and is only 28 km northwest of the past producing world class Kemess gold-copper mine. The Golden Horseshoe provides a visual context for the mines, discoveries and common geology of the Golden Triangle and Toodoggone regions of northern BC, which forms an enriched metalliferous arch that includes the Stikinia and Quesnellia terranes.

Benchmark recently completed an oversubscribed financing raising over $50-million (see Benchmark news release of September 30th, 2020). Proceeds from that financing will be used to extend and expand the 2020 drill program to 100,000 metres and a planned 2021 200,000 metre drill program as well as prepare for a resource estimate and preliminary economic assessment early in 2021.

Strategic Location

The Stallion Project comprises four contiguous claim blocks spanning an impressive 1,769.93 hectares (17.7 km²) in a prime mineral exploration region. Situated 930 km north of Vancouver, BC, and 460 km northwest of Prince George, BC, the property enjoys excellent accessibility. It is adjacent to the all-season Omineca Mining Road to Resources and just 28 km northwest of the world-class, past-producing Kemess gold-copper mine.

Positioned within an active and highly prospective mining district, Stallion is contiguous to and aligned with the renowned Benchmark Metals Inc. and Thesis Gold Inc. (now collectively Thesis Gold) assets, including the Lawyers and Ranch projects. Additionally, it is only 5 km from TDG Gold Corp’s past-producing Shasta and Baker gold mines and 5 km from AMARC’s 2024 porphyry discovery. A gravel road further enhances site accessibility, originating from the southeast end of the Sturdee airstrip and extending northeast upslope toward the historic Shasta gold mine. The Property straddles the ‘Road to Resources’.

Exceptional Geological Potential

The Stallion Project is entirely hosted within the Jurassic Black Lake Plutonic Suite, featuring Porphyritic Granodiorite to Monzonite rock formations, which are known for their mineralization potential. The property is home to the Chip Gold-Silver showing, characterized by disseminated porphyry-style copper (Cu), molybdenum (Mo), and gold (Au) mineralization.

Highlights of the property’s mineralization include:

  • A 200-metre-long gossan at the Chip Showing, reporting 2.4 g/t silver and gold values of 0.30 and 0.34 g/t.
  • Preliminary soil sampling from 2021 revealing variable anomalous geochemistry across two soil traverses.
  • Ground-based VLF-EM surveys conducted in 2023 over the central portion of the project.
  • Additional rock chip sampling in 2023 yielded a standout result of 0.96% Cu from the Chip Showing.
  • A high-resolution heliborne magnetics survey is currently underway (February 2024) to refine exploration targets and further delineate the property’s mineral potential.

With its advantageous location, promising geology, and ongoing exploration initiatives, the Stallion Project represents a compelling opportunity in one of British Columbia’s most prolific upcoming gold and copper mining districts.